February 8, 2023

Lebnan Bi Ossa

Lebnan Bi Ossa A new show prepared and presented by Charles El Hayek, with the participation of Yazbek Wehbe. It combines narration, dialogue and visual content. “Lebnan bi Ossa” tells stories about famous Lebanese personalities and historical stages, as well as archaeological sites, traditions, culinary heritage, and religious and social holidays. TV Show Starring:Yazbek Wehbe
February 8, 2023

The Stage

The Stage Carla Haddad hosts in her new weekly show "The Stage" a series of celebrities and honorable artists. TV Show Starring:Carla haddad
February 8, 2023

Take Me Out

Take Me Out An entertainment program in which a group of men will participate, and in each episode they have to try to get a love date with a woman out of 30 women inside the studio. Spontaneous, comic, and fine positions will overwhelm the atmosphere of the program's episodes. Entertainment Starring:Fouad Yammine
February 8, 2023

Taa’a Ello Byezaa’al

Taa’a Ello Byezaa’al A satirical comedy show produced by Shoot Production, written and directed by Mohammad Dayekh who plays the starring role alongside Hussein kaouk, Hussein Dayekh, and a group of young men and women. Comedy Starring:Hussein kaouk‎‏Muhammad Dayikh
October 4, 2021


L’INGREDIENTE PERFETTO Sarà Maria Grazia Cucinotta - volto noto del piccolo e del grande schermo, conosciuta internazionalmente per la sua partecipazione, accanto a Massimo Troisi, al film italiano Il postino - ad ospitarci nella sua cucina sulle rive del Tevere per mostrarci come, con un’attenta preparazione e la scelta degli ingredienti giusti anzi “perfetti”, si possano creare piatti semplici, gustosi e naturalmente sani. TV Show Maria Grazia Cucinotta
February 22, 2021

Festival di Sanremo

Festival di Sanremo La 74ᵃ edizione del Festival della Canzone Italiana di Sanremo, che vede la direzione artistica di Amadeus. TV Show Amedeo Sebastiani
February 15, 2021

Titolo V

Titolo V Tra Stato e Regioni, chi comanda in Italia? Il nuovo programma informativo di Rai3 condotto da Francesca Romana Elisei e Roberto Vicaretti. TV Show Francesca Romana EliseiRoberto Vicaretti
February 15, 2021


Dot Η Νάνσυ Ζαμπέτογλου και ο Θανάσης Αναγνωστόπουλος μας καλούν για 4η σεζόν στο loft του Dot. για να ακούσουμε όμορφες, συγκινητικές ή αστείες ιστορίες από τους καλεσμένους τους, με φόντο τη φετινή προτροπή: Good Vibes! TV Show Nancy ZampetoglouThanasis Anagnostopoulos
February 15, 2021

Tik Talk

Tik Talk Μετά την «Αυτοψία» και την επιτυχία ετών, ο Αντώνης Σρόιτερ επιστρέφει δυναμικά αυτή τη σεζόν στον Alpha, με την εκπομπή Tik Talk. TV Show Antonis Schroeter
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